UPDATED”How dare I wait to be seated at IHOP on Thanksgiving!” – Otter Report

The following post was made on November 28th and updated on November 30th


Thanksgiving, Thanksgiving. A time of….. well, admittedly I don’t really know what it’s a time of. I’m British, so never experienced it. From what I’ve seen, it’s a chance for the family to get together and have a meal, or avoid each other by going to early Black Friday sales or work because they want to/are forced.

For Daniel Norred it seems to be a time of going to IHOP in the evening and throwing your toys out of your pram because your estimated 30 minute wait has turned into 45 minutes. Did I mention it was Thanksgiving?

You can see the sorry state of a live video here. Unfortunately, his privacy settings don’t allow us to comment.


This video may be removed at any time, so I’ll briefly explain the content of it:

The video starts with Mr roving reporter Daniel Norred (also calling himself ‘Catfish’) introducing the video and explaining that he’s at ‘Arrh-Hop’ West Monroe. He then tells us how his 30 minute wait has now been 45 minutes (oh the crime!). He walks from outside and into the waiting area to find out how long other customers have been waiting. After attempting to interview a few, the (presumably) manager comes out to ask him to leave. Mr Norred seems reluctant to do this, resulting in the manager lighlty touching him to usher him out. Of course this results in claims of ‘assault!’ from Norred and he mentions he believes the manager is about to the cops on him, and swifty exits. He then shows us through the windows how the resturant has empty tables (shock-horror!). We also get to hear about his charity work before he explains he’s off to Waffle House.

In the comments, Norred models himself as some kind of social justice warrior who’s concerned for the wellbeing of the servers. So Mr Norred…. WHY THE BLOODY HELL ARE YOU FILMING THERE AND COMPLAINING ABOUT HOW LONG YOUR WAIT IS, YOU TWONK?!!

Seriously? It’s Thanksgiving. I’ll bet those people have been working their arses off all day to serve ungrateful people their cheap, crappy pancakes. The’ve probably had a few servers call in sick too. And you have the cheek to moan about the inaccuracy of your given wait time?!! They can only guess, they don’t have a crystal ball to exactly predict how long people are going to take over their food. So what if there’s empty tables? Just because there’s empty tables, doesn’t mean they have the staff avaliable to serve them. It looks like it’s late at night, they’re probably closing down an area for all you know.

I don’t know why you went there in the first place if you prefer Waffle House so much more. Next year, do the public a favour and eat at home. That will make them all thankful.

Your vain attempt at fame and humblebrag about your charity work: FAIL

Otter and Out

– The English Otter


In the video comments, Mr Norred mentioned that he would be updating everyone of the outcome. On November 30th he posted this video.


In it, he spends lots of time promoting local charities and telling us what he’s done for them. He then goes on to talk about his original video and what happened. He emphasises that it wasn’t intended to be about his wait, he was just concerned for the employees.

Basically, he either realises he was being a dick and is remorseful or he can see that he doesn’t come of very well in the video and wants to restore his reputation.

Either way, I believe he’s learned from this. If he was trying to help, he went about it completely the wrong way. Embarrassing the resturant and it’s employees does NOT help them. Complaining about wait times when employees are already overworked does NOT help them. Attempting to rally other customers against the restaurant does NOT help them. Yet that’s all his video was about. It was a selfish and narcissistic display.

Its commendable that he assists various local charities, but pretty insulting to speak as if he’s the only person who does this.

He also mentions that he’s got lots of hateful PM’s, particularly from Europe. I would like to confirm that I’m not one of these people. All I have said on the matter has been on here and our Facebook page.

It looks like it’s all over now and I hope Mr Norred will go easier on the FB live in the future.

Otter and Out

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